Blazepods. This piece of equipment allows us to create scenarios where our players are forced to make decisions under pressure much like they would be in a game. Working off an app the PODS are able to be manipulated so that the time and colour combination can challenge both professional players as well as younger, inexperienced players. \\
Our PODS are critical in developing 4 key areas of the game.
Technique - Ability to control and manipulate the ball to do what the player wants
Speed - Ability to do it at match speed
Awareness - Ability to recognise what and where they must execute the next action as well as avoid any obstacles that may be in their way.
Intelligence - Ability to win 'the game' and do so in a manner that is easiest for the player.

FOOTBALL SPECIFIC PHYSICAL ANALYSIS. Through our friends at Inspire Health Services we are able to provide our players direct contact with exercise physiologists who can perform analysis of our players as well as provide personalised programs and sessions to achieve our players individual goals. We then work alongside the Inspire staff via reports and joint sessions to monitor the players progress and provide the best possible chance to improve.

TRU-SCAN. Take you game to the next level by improving your awareness skills. Using our product in your training sessions you will be able to develop a key skill in the game of football. Research shows that players who have a greater understanding of what is around them before receiving the football at their feet have higher pass success and higher forward pass success.
Former Arsenal coach Arsene Wenger claim the very best players have 'heads like a radar'. This scan is vital in analysing, deciding and then executing the desired skill. In our training we utilise this technology to develop players who regularly scan prior to receiving the ball. Using colour-matching technology to create clear identifiable combinations this training resource is valuable to any player or coach looking to improve their game.